IP to Mobile Carrier Database Developer Resource

IPinfo’s IP to Mobile Carrier Database provides insights such as IP addresses of mobile devices and their respective carrier name, mobile country code (MCC) and mobile country name (MNC).

Database Schema

The IP to Mobile Carrier Database contains the following fields:

Field NameExampleData TypeDescription
network90.50.223.0/24TEXTCIDR or single IP address of the IP address block
nameOrangeTEXTName of the mobile carrier organization
countryFRTEXTISO 3166 country code of the IP addresses
mcc208INTEGERMobile Country Code (MCC) of the carrier
mnc01INTEGERMobile Network Code (MNC) of the carrier

A screen image showing the table provided by our IP to Mobile Carrier Database Download

Sample Database

Filename references:

File FormatFilename / SlugTerminal Command
CSVipinfo_carrier.csv.gzcurl -L https://ipinfo.io/data/ipinfo_carrier.csv.gz?token=$YOUR_TOKEN -o ipinfo_carrier.csv.gz
MMDBipinfo_carrier.mmdbcurl -L https://ipinfo.io/data/ipinfo_carrier.mmdb?token=$YOUR_TOKEN -o ipinfo_carrier.mmdb
JSONipinfo_carrier.json.gzcurl -L https://ipinfo.io/data/ipinfo_carrier.json.gz?token=$YOUR_TOKEN -o ipinfo_carrier.json.gz
Parquetipinfo_carrier.parquetcurl -L https://ipinfo.io/data/ipinfo_carrier.parquet?token=$YOUR_TOKEN -o ipinfo_carrier.parquet

Alternative Database Schema


The standard_carrier data download is structured based on IP ranges (start_ip and end_ip) and includes the join_key column.

Field NameExampleData TypeDescription
start_ip5.208.203.0TEXTStarting IP address of an IP address range
end_ip5.208.203.255TEXTEnding IP address of an IP address range
join_key5.208.0.0TEXTSpecial variable to facilitate database join operation
nameMobile Communication Company of Iran PLCTEXTName of the mobile carrier
countryIRTEXTISO 3166 country code of the IP addresses
mcc432INTEGERMobile Country Code (MCC) of the carrier
mnc11INTEGERMobile Network Code (MNC) of the carrier
